Site Rules

Forum Rules (General)

  1. 1. Be kind to everyone.
  2. 2. Don't spam.
  3. 3. Don't scam anyone, or the fact you'll be banned from earning money!
  4. 4. There is zero tolerance for this one - swearing. Players who swear in the game will eventually be banned forever.
  5. 5. No multi-accounting. In other words, you are only allowed one (1) account. We will know!

Roleplay Rules

  1. 1. Don't do anything negative to another person's character without permission.
  2. 2. Keep the RP's innoncent. PG-13. Zero tolerance for this one too. Players who don't follow this rule can also eventually be banned forever.
  3. 3. If your character is mad at someone else's character, but you aren't, make it clear - just to avoid drama.

Getting Promoted

Player: I know (I've) had/have a high warning % before, but...I want to be a moderator! Let's ask an admin!

Mods: *receives PM asking to be mod* Nope!

POINT: If you have a high warning level, and you ask to be a moderator, chances are zero! If you had a warning level over 50% within the last 3 months and you ask to be a mod, your answer is no. The reason for this is that mod isn't just a position where you ban players for breaking the rules. Nope! You are also an example to the players. If you have disobeyed the rules multiple timees, players may think, "Oh look! That mod's got a 75% warning level and they're a mod! I wanna be one, too!" This could eventually start drama. I will give you an application to fill out when you may be ready to be a moderator. Furthermore, you can only become a moderator when slots are open.